
Furry Fandom:
a subculture interested in fictional anthropomorphic animal characters (called anthromorphs) with human personalities and characteristics.
Furries are members of the subculture's community who gather on the internet and at furry conventions.


A subculture of furry fandom.
Similar to an anthromorph, but with planes instead of animals.
Possibly popularized due to Transformers.


Nazi Furries


Their leader, Foxler (supposedly a combination of “Fox” ands his surname “Miller”) lead a putsch with his group, the “Furry Raiders”, against the annual Rocky Mountain Fur Con.
Death threats were ensued, and Fur Con leaders cancelled the summit.

Foxler claims that the conflict was all misunderstanding, and that he is not trying to evoke Hitler or Nazi ideology.
He says his armband is based on an old video game, and that he never paid much attention to WWII history.
He also claims that his Nazi-like salute in photos were an accident.

However, he has recently tweeted white nationalist Richard Spencer, and has posted about “aryan” dogs online.

The rise of the alt-right has ushered in the #AltFurry, a hashtag under which right-leaning furries can organize.

Second Reich


In 2007, a group Called “Furzi” was organized on the game Second Life.
Out of their headquarters, “Das Waffenamt”, the group sold a wide variety of virtual Nazi items, including anti-Semitic propaganda posters and uniforms for virtual avatars to wear.

This quickly brought them to the attention of the Zionist Association of Second Life, and later the Second Life Jewish Defense League.
The Jewish groups protested, the furries responded with “free speech”, and things quickly got ugly.

The Furzis ran a script to permanently ban any Jewish Second Life user from their property.
The Jews retaliated by composing a massive report on Furzi activity and submitting it to Linden Labs, the company that runs the virtual world.
Eventually, Furzi leader “Spotz Spork” was permanently banned from the service, Das Waffenamnt was destroyed, and the group was scattered to the winds.