Weekly 9: Online Commmunities

I think one of the things I'm really guilty of, in terms of social media and online commmunities, is lurking. I'm usually not a large producer of remixed/fanmixed work--I'm more of a one-shot (non-wonder) kinda person, with a quip here or there about whatever topic I'm interested in if I haven't heard it before. One community I have been loosely involved with recently has been the Canadian (specifically, "CDNPoli", a term coined to stand for "Canadian politics" but is also used loosely to stand for those interested in Canadian affairs...including that of PM Justin Trudeau) online community which consists of, surprisingly, not only Canadians (yeah that was a long sentence, sorry I'm trying to stay in the limit but am failing miserably). It's an interesting mixture of people who are interested in Justin Trudeau/other world figure but somehow got sucked in deeper, people who actually blog/write about Canadian Politics-who are usually actually Canadian-and the usual shit-poster. The official use of #cdnpoli.

I consider this a community as it comes with its own slang, notable/prolific figures, and has distinctive attributes.

an anti-trudeau shitposter. This gem, along with many more, is on a "political confessions" tumblr. bonus: stephen harper's français.