Weekly 8: Project 2 Reflection

For Project 2 we collected a crowdsource data on weed strains and its connection to people’s experience in terms of emotions. We included a before and after emotions in the google form that people filled out, both asking for a maximum of 3 emotions. However, we decided to focus on the after emotions only when visualizing the data into the project. We also included data of whether they are smoking sativa, hybrid, or indica. Lastly, the form asks for the intensity of their strain from 1 to 5, yet we decided to omit this part of the data in the project because it wasn’t fairly interesting that everyone was smoking “intense” weed. Through the course of this project I felt more intimate with the participants and the subject because it made me realize the variety of effects weed has on people even though some were the same strain. It also brought my attention to the actual subject since the data showed a variety of responses in emotions rather than your typical perception of weed making you lazy and sleepy. Although I wasn’t able to have as much close interaction as Mimi Onuoha did with her participants, I think I would find more interesting data if I did extra data analysis with the people in developing the project. I think she is completely right that having those interactions with them is vital to your research and data. Therefore, I could connect these emotions with their daily behavioral moods and their habits on smoking or their views on smoking.