
Augmented Reality

AR has the potential to influence people to break a lot of laws and do a lot of dangerous things, for example, if a Pokemon Go character were in the middle of a protected geyser in a national park, or walk into the middle of a street while staring at one’s phone. I think that it is a very difficult issue to tackle, however, because it is ultimately the user who breaks rules or puts themselves in danger, but AR could be especially harmful to children or people who are less aware of their surroundings.

My site will familiarize the user with several Spanish words and phrases around my apartment. It will provide imaginary situations that one may encounter in everyday life and presents a theoretical conversation in order to teach the user useful Spanish phrases.

My location-based media is beneficial to the user in the sense that use of the game requires the user to walk around, and physically moving into each space may help the user associate words more easily with real-life objects and spaces. A challenge that may arise is getting the coordinates to actually function properly since all the locations I chose are relatively close together.