Weekly 8

While we included the major components such as song titles/artists, radio stations for each of the three cities, and the three cities, we decided to keep it a bit more abstract by not including the number of plays per week. Instead we represented this by the speed in which the vinyls play when you hover over them. The fastest spinning vinyl got the most plays, the slowest the least.
I think you become more intimate and distanced at the same time if that makes sense. You are narrowing down culture in three cities to the top 10 songs on the “urban” (industry term not mine) radio stations. Additionally we weren’t in contact with the data, it was all pulled from an online database so in that regards we were distanced from it.
Mimi spoke about her process being more about the actual collection and process of collecting her data, we didn’t personally collect this data, other than selecting which genres/cities/radio stations we wanted to feature, so we remain a bit more distanced than she is to her data.
But at the same time becoming more intimate with the songs and data with the differences of the three cities which can be told by songs in the top 10 of one city that aren’t in the top 10 of the others.