Dadaist Live Stream #.^

After getting ready, I would set up my laptops's camera or my phone's camera as my live stream and ignore the audience purposely with the aim to get the audience to want my attention or making them uncomfortable. I would make up a language (only spoken randomly throughout the day) and do things that seem absurd but that follow a system that I developed. One of the absurd things that I would do would probably be to go in circles in the middle of my room until I feel dizzy enough to continue working (only briefly), another things that I would do is to lift my arm up when watching a boring movie scene until it has passed. That being said, I would also do normal things like make dinner, do homework and things like that. The audience can interact with me but I can't interact with the audience. I would like to present myself as a semi neodadaist and semi performer, and have the interactions of the audience be the artwork.