Frank connecting the screen to plastic as skuomorphs was really important to me. One thing that drew me to attending university was how I've become increasingly aware of the innovation centered less around the ‘container’ and more around the ‘shape'—visual communication. Furthermore, At 4 years old, my nephew constantly amazes me with the level of control he has with an iPhone. He’s capable of snapping photos, texting me, answering FaceTime calls, the list goes on. So I completely agree with Frank that the intelligence and skill of users in navigating user interface mirrors the increasing sophistication of UX design when building sites, programs, and apps. I’d like to add that the increasing accessibility of coding is opening up the role of web design to more users and consumers. This is important in that it promotes new contexts, possibilities, languages, and realities for screens. If there’s one important principle I live by, it’s strength through diversity!