Weekly 1



Initially appearing as a typical page with text on a dark background, SFCD's homepage goes on to continuously surprise viewers with the appearance of new shapes, patterns and colors. Additionally, the changes in color through fade transitions as you scroll down create a visually engaging and dramatic effect different from the solid blocks and sections we usually see.

Danish Shipowner's Association

The flow and motion of the website is so fluid and reflective of the ocean, the main setting of the content, as well as air, another focus of the website.


Designgest's site has a relatively simple and standard layout and flow, but it's unique use of bright colors and gradients makes it more visually engaging and gives the site design with a character of its own, seperate from the content it highlights.

We Ain't Plastic

I love the simplicity in design and organization of this designer's website. Everything is fitted and summarized in such a concise way within one scrolling page.

Google Creative Labs

This site takes the traditional application process to a whole new level, encouraging applicants to Google Creative Labs, as well as visitors, to exercise their own creativity with the company logo.