DUE: 5/30
  1. Listen: I am a real person.
  2. Read as much as you like of Almost Human: The Surreal, Cyborg Future of Telemarketing.
  3. Create an IFTTT receipe that alters your daily life in some (ideally -- interesting and significant) way. Run your recipe for at least one full day.
  4. Post a screenshot of the recipe, and a brief summary of your experience.


I created a recipe that changed the color of the lights in my room to green every time I saved a song on Spotify. This got really annoying really fast. I've been looking for a lot of new music recently so I was saving a lot of new songs and every time the lights changed color it scared the hell out of me. Also, the lights would stay green for a while after saving a song and it made my room look really dark and creepy.