I spent a long portion of my life invested in photography. This was my first major passion in the art world and something that I still invest in today. Through photography, I developed a huge interest in the technology behind cameras and most of all, for photo manipulation.
Once I started being able to voluntarily control my own behaviors, my parents sat me down to play computer games (a lot of the "educational" type, especially at first). This all culminated with the infamous Sims game, in which I loved finding all the glitches. From what I remember, trapping the Sims in flying houses and giving them infinite happiness were my favorites. Althoug I also really liked trapping them in rooms until they died and nada mas.
I got a laptop when I wan in middle school that had Corel Paint Pro on it. I got super excited about having the ability to manipulate photos. This was one of the many things that eventually led me to get Photoshop. Through Photoshop I developed a passion for photography, something that I still invest in today.
Once I started being able to voluntarily control my own behaviors, my parents sat me down to play computer games (a lot of the "educational" type, especially at first). This all culminated with the infamous Sims game, in which I loved finding all the glitches.
En el momento no lo sabía, pero ya había hecho la decisión más grande de mí vida. De ahora en adelante, y por lo que veo para el resto de mi vida, trabajaría en frente de pantallas.