Weekly 6

Apple has their own distinct style that is created and recognized through
a series of guidelines that separate them from other companies.
Their designs are very simple, sleek, and uniform as seen in the visual
index of all of their interfaces. But at the same time the unification
requires a great amount of adjustment when switching over to other
platforms. For example, all of the top keyboard letters (F1 to F12)
are merely “Apple” shortcuts that have to learned and memorized to
actually use them. These guidelines are so specific to Apple’s modernistic
aesthetic which concerns me when it comes to accessibility. Yes,
you are able to change the size of the text or invert the colors,
however all of this is very limited in my opinion and is hard to navigate
through. Apple’s demographic is quite limited to the younger population,
making it difficult for the older generation to navigate and adjust to.
One solution would be to prompt the users with a options in the very
beginning of setting up their devices.