Ray and Charles Eames Shell Chairs, 1950.
Go to SketchUp 3D Warehouse website, you will need a SketchUp account. Pick any 3D Model and select Download Model Select COLLADA File .dae If there is not an option for .dae, read the file into SketchUp then save to .dae
Unzip the file from your Downloads directory. (PC Right mouse over file, choose Extract All...)
In Sketchup File->Export 3D Model... Select COLLADA File (*.dae) Select Options... Uncheck Triangulate all faces (It may work better to triangulate)
If you are importing more than 1 file, follow this procedure for each file individually. The sketchup files will not import together until they are under new groups.
In Maya Select the Modeling section of Maya, choose from upper left, status line.

Choose File->Import... Select Merge into selected namespace and rename incoming objects that match
Find your .dae file
The file might be scaled extra large, you might not see it unless you dolly way out.
Select the parent in the Outliner, (Select a part, use the arrow up key a couple times to select the parent.) Scale the model down to .0825 to match Maya coordinates
Move the model close to 0,0,0
Select all the chair parts using Select by Object Type mode 
Choose Edit->Unparent to separate the parented duplicates from the original group
Reselect all the chair parts using Select by Object Type mode 
Select Edit->Group to form a new parent over the parts
Modify->Center Pivot, and use d and x grid snap to move the pivot to the ground
Move the object to be centered at 0,0,0
You can delete the excess parts, camera and curves, delete the group named SketchUp
Cleanup the Data Select all the objects Select Edit Mesh Merge-> to cleanup redundant verticies Use a very small Threshhold
How to turn off component mode Use Right mouse choose Object Mode
Choose Mesh->Cleanup... Select Lamina faces (faces sharing all edges)
The shading may appear to be strange Select all the objects Select Mesh Display->Unlock Normals
Create new shaders or turn down the Ambient Color to black on the imported shaders. If objects appear black, select Mesh Display->Reverse Select Edit->Delete by Type->History
Make sure there are no duplicate objects.
You may want to use Mesh->Combine and Edit->Delete by Type->History
Delete any extra nodes in the Outliner you do not recognize.
