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City of the Damned

   Today we caught reindeer and made sausages for breakfast. It tastes like kielbasa, delicious! We continued our Journey down to Seward. A light rain began to fall and we turned into the mountains leaving the coast behind. Portage glacier loomed above us, watching us with its icy stare. Lost in the rain, we ended up in the town of Hope. I thought the affects of the earthquake had been extremely bad here, but it appears this is just a dumpy little town. By comparison, Talkeetna felt like paradise. The salmon are running in the river and water in the houses isn't. Zack and I found an old timey water pump and drew up water for the gang to drink. We found some wild raspberries to quite our now rumbling stomachs. During lunch a fowl stench rose from the river and enveloped everything around us. There were many beached salmon rotting on the banks being picked apart by greedy seagulls. Perchance the rain may wash this filthy town clean tonight. After getting our bearings we traveled back into the mountains to find Seward. Gorgeous lakes filled the gorges we passed. Pristine blue waters pierce the verdant forests. Dillon and Becket fainted from the beauty and the rest of us begrudgingly dragged them with us. I graciously offered to leave them behind, but Frank didn't accept. The rain is pouring harder now and we are thoroughly soaked to the bone. We found a tiny cabin with barely room for two cats to dancein. Where we agreed to leave Paula, Frank and Zack with the still unconscious Dillon and Becket.

   The rest of us pressed onward to find another shelter. After wandering for hours through the rain we happened upon another abandoned cabin and bedded down for the night. Our slumber was cut short as we were suddenly awoken by a loud growling noise. It sounded like an angry grizzly was sharing our cabin. Lauren and Jennifer were paralyzed with fear. I cautiously turned on the lights. Where was the bear? It was just Cheese snoring like a buzz saw. We slept fitfully through the night between Cheese's sonorous mouth orchestrations.

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