Homer Doh!

During the night the boys had caught up to us and Ned Flanders aka Chipper Cheese woke us up bright and early to drive to Homer! He said sleep is the devils playtime and that we need to go to church to make up for being Non church going sinners on Sunday, yesterday. Oakily Dokily, we packed up and made haste down the coast in search of a good orthodox church and sights to see in Homer.

Apparently I should have been driving again because Cheese got lost and took us through Huston, Texas; Springfield, Nebraska; Springfield, Maine; and Springfield, Illinois before we finally reached Homer, Alaska.

Arriving on the spit in Homer, we were famished and in the mood for a Krusty burger, but there was not one to be found which I thought was very odd.

So we settled for fish and chips served by the salty sea captain on the docks. We did find a "Kwiky" mart and purchased squishies and trinkets. DOH! As I found out the hard way the people in the city of homer do not take kindly to Simpson jokes being made of their town.

And like good god fearing Christians they attempted to stone me to death on their beaches. But I got all "Up and at 'em" like McBain, and knocked several blocks off the locals around me before rendezvousing with the chopper to escape this evil town in this summers big blockbuster hit "The Deadliest Catch! MAN!!"
After safely escaping Homer and a tasteful sex scene with Angelina Jolie, we were back on the road to finish Ned Flanders quest to find an Orthodox church to do some prayin' in.

As luck would have it we found several and had time to stop at them all to make up for an entire vacation of heathenistic lax morals and church dodging. Save me Jebus! Soon after we had our fill of Jesus juice and crackers, we got back on the road and hurried back to Anchorage, lest we find more churches to visit. Before we made it back to anchorage we were ambushed by the same bear in the the same spot again! I whooped his ass in an second boxing match and then we finished the rest of the long drive back to Anchorage where we all slept well in spite of Cheese's snoring.