Alaska and the legend of Curly's gold

This morning we awoke to a blood curdling female scream. Cheese was outside staring ghost face at the back of our car. One of the members of our party had been killed that night and hastily stuffed in the trunk of our car. Suspicions ran wild as we all began to realized that a murderer must be living amongst us. I personally suspect Charlie, Carol, Chuck or Chaz. I don't know any of them very well and this whole trip could be one elaborate scheme to take the Audick inheritance money. Carol Charlie and Chaz mysteriously disappeared for several hours today adding to my suspicion of them.

Although Cheese might also be the culprit since he did nothing to stop Carol from abandoning Lauren and me in the woods yesterday. At this point I can't trust anyone with a name starting with the letter C. While Charlie and Carol were gone, Chuck took us out on the lake, possibly to scout for a good location to ditch the body. Unfortunately the all the waterfront property had been developed and there was nowhere we could go without someone seeing us. Even the tiny islands in the middle of the lake had cottages on them.

Later, Cheese convinced me to go alone with him on a paddle boat to explore the lake some more. My gut told me not to trust him but now would be a good chance to see if he knew anything, because I could probably out swim him if he turned out to be the murderer. He seemed to be afraid of being throw overboard so he left his phone on shore. Either that or he was trying to cut off any line of communication I might have to call for help. If I had been the murderer, he would have just given me the perfect chance to strike again. My suspicions of Cheese were quelled as we paddle out into the open waters. He was clearly very afraid of me and not at all trying to harm me for the time being.

We rounded Pork Chop Island and passed a herd of flamingos, It is strange that they would be this far north, perhaps some sort of evil omen. I soon learned that Cheese's true intent for paddling across the lake was to alert the police that there had been a murder. I quickly agreed to his plan and we paddle as fast as we could towards where we thought the police might be. Unfortunately we were both wildly out of shape and we fell victim to fatigue. The lake fought against us and dragged us back to the cabin on its swift currents. We spoke little of our journey to the others hoping the killer would not choose us as the next to die.

Since neither of us were murdered on our boat ride, I have decided to form and alliance with Cheese. He vouched for Jennifer and Lauren. I figure I could take either of them in a fist fight, So I wasn't too worried if they turned out to be the villain amongst us anyways. The four of us set out later that day to explore the surrounding forest for clues and possible escape routes. Not even one hundred feet from the house and Cheese nearly got us all killed in the car, reigniting my suspicions of him. Fearing for my life and no longer trusting Cheese, I offered to drive and was relieved when Cheese let me.

After we wandered down several lonesome and desolate roads we found ourselves in Wasilla where we decided to alert not the police but Sarah Palin. As we figured she would be more equipped to deal with the situation with all her maverick experience. We found the street she lived on, but sadly she was not home.

So we headed back towards town to see if she was shopping for groceries. We didn't find her at the supermarket either and assumed she must be out hunting wolves from her helicopter.

On our way back to the cabin our car broke down and we were forced to steal some local dogs and whip up a makeshift iditarod sled out of an old broken trellis. Shortly thereafter we made it back to the cabin. When we arrived, Chuck and Georgia tried to poison us with fake crab salad, but we managed to avoid eating it. This new family of ours is very treacherous.

Since we no longer had a vehicle to escape in, Lauren and I built a signal fire to alert the authorities. Cheese attempted to sabotage the fire by adding wet timbers.

I am becoming more certain that he is the person I need to watch very carefully or I'll wake up dead. The sun set late in the evening and I stoked the fire as my eyelids began to droop. A deep rumble broke the silent suspicion that sat heavily over everyone around the fire. Bright lights came roaring out of the woods and much to my delight it seemed that an Inuit scouting party lead by Mr. Timberwolf had located our signal fire.

He rolled up fly, bouncing on twenty two's in his party bus limo. Who knew rappers and Inuits had so much in common. Much to my surprise Paula, Frank, Zack, Dillon and Becket climbed out of the bus. Something very strange was going on here. What would happen next? I didn't know who was pulling the strings in this murderous game, but fresh meat had just been added to the menu.

Chaz jumped on this new opportunity and tried to knock Becket out of the picture with a faulty potato canon. To no avail. The gun wouldn't fire and Becket managed to survive his first day there. In fairness he only arrived there at 11pm so there was only one hour he had to make it through. The new developments of more people and Chaz making a move have thrown a monkey wrench into my deductions and I'm not sure who to trust anymore. Tonight we will all be sleeping together in the same room. Hopefully I will live to see tomorrow.