Out on the Road Again

I decided to take a head count this morning. It turns out no one else was killed and also no one is missing. I found this very strange. After a closer inspection of the body in the trunk, it seems that the entire ordeal was an elaborate prank by Carol and Charlie. I Should Have Know!!
Note to self: Get revenge on Carol and Charlie. Today we began a pilgrimage to the super fantastically splendiferous magically exciting city of Talkeetna. The kids piled into one car and me, Zack, Dillon, Becket and Lauren got in the other.

Not five minutes after we left the cabin, the "adults" pulled over at a road side fireworks stand called Gorilla Fireworks. The parents turned into kids in a candy store, eyes wide with delight and wonder. They bought bottle rockets, M80's, cherry bombs, and a Batman surprise.

After their explosive shopping spree we were back on the road to the greatest place on earth, Talkeetna! The adults had not planned to eat once we got to the magical city, but they hadn't checked to see how far away it was and we were soon starving with miles to go still. So we pulled over at a roadside house/eatery and purchased some edibles. Disaster struck and god smote us with a power outage. Perhaps we would fall victim to his famine preventing us from returning to the garden of eden that is Talkeetna. Lucky for us, the power came back on after about ten minutes. Stuffed and happy we resumed our travels to the spiffy and wonderful mecca of Talkeetna.
Twenty five miles to fantasy land... ten miles... one more mile... BOOM! The other car explodes with sparklers and bottle rockets as the parents begin celebrating our arrival in Talkeetna by doing donuts in the parking lot of a hotel. Talkeetna is freaking AMAZING!!! if you enjoy one street towns where every shop is a blank/pub.

Talkeetnans are drunkards, boring and down right ugly. The shock killed my hopefully romantic ideas of Talkeetna but the magic still lingered a bit for the Adults and they tried to enjoy themselves as they bought trinkets and beer at the Craft House/Liquor Emporium. Soon we were all terribly disenchanted by Talkeetna so we booked it out of town. On the drive back to Anchorage, I began to realize as the kids fell asleep that this section of Alaska sucks. The infinite highway rolling past cookie cutter lakes and endless walls of trees. I can see twenty feet to either side of the road. Fifty feet ahead of me looks the same as the fifty feet I just passed. Why did we have to drive to this desolate wasteland of stupidity and boredom? Oh thats right, the "adults" said we weren't going to be coming back up here so we should check out how much it would cost to fly a plane out of here. Not for today but on another day from this place that we aren't returning to.
We stopped again to try and stalk Sarah Palin and get ice cream before making our way back to Anchorage. Biked, ate chinese food, drove around, ate nilla wafers, fell Asleep.