Happy Happy Joy Joy
Somebody stole our car! So we were forced to walk around down town since we couldn't drive anywhere more exciting. Zack met a hot Inuit lady who stole his heart. She hit on him and sang love songs in her native tongue. Sadly, before Zack and Ella could run off to spend the rest of their lives in loves sweet embrace, Paula, Frank, Dillon and Becket showed up and dragged them apart. Ella, being a classy lady, didn't cry or go all Jerry Springer on their asses. Instead she performed a blessing on the whole family. Or it could have been a gypsy curse, we'll have to wait and see if anyones hands turn green. Ella toddled off and Zack let out a heartbroken sigh. Then whistled as only construction workers can as he and Dillon checked out a fly booty. Hot damn! The kiddies headed back to the hotel to finally chillax for a day. Much sleeping and napping occurred and we woke up several hours later feeling rather peckish, wondering where the adults might be. The "Adults" came back an hour or so later claiming to have seen the Aurora Borealis in the middle of the day. Yeah right, more like someone found some magical Alaskan salmon to smoke. Since the parents had the munchies and we kids hadn't eaten since breakfast, it was decidedly time for dinner. So we hit the road looking for the closest dining establishment when we happened upon a Benny Hanna's!

A Magical pixie named Happy prepared our meal in front of us. Happy made volcanoes, stars, flying eggs and super teriyaki. He did it all with a smile and a heavenly laugh like a baby unicorn being tickled by chocolate butterflies. It brought smiles to our faces as infectious laughter rose from our whole table. We were transfixed by his majesty as he bounced an egg on his spatula, flipped it into his hat and then cleaved it in twain in one swift motion. He wasn't cooking food so much as performing magic. Before we even realized it, our plates were filled with succulent meals and Happy was flying off into the sunset riding a winged purple hippo, yelling I hate Kobe Bryant and chortling like a yak dipped in caramel being licked clean by hundreds of miniature dachshunds.

Paula, Zack, Frank, Dillon and Becket then floated away on a magical rainbow cloud to Colorado. And we went and bought Nilla wafers and watched comedy central till the wee hours of the morning.